It is a free traffic exchange. As a user, you must run a surfing application that automatically surfs the sites of other members of this exchange.
Every visit you make, you will earn credit for that. Later you can buy visitors from this credit from this exchange. Additionally, when you signup on to this site, you will get 10 free hits
You can customize your coming traffic. You can choose from here if you want anonymous, social, or organic traffic.
You can also select geo-target and traffic devices. Feeling Surf has a surfing app for windows, apple, and Linux.
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With feeling surf, you can also control visitor stay duration from 10 sec to 300 sec. If you do not have time to earn traffic credits, you can instantly buy traffic from Feeling Surf
Main feature
Organic, anonymous & social traffic
Traffic from various devices
Control visit duration 10-300 sec
Auto link clicks
100 free hits on joining
Click here to join free
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